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Pots & Plants
Beautifully Scented Plants for the Kitchen

3 Beautifully Scented Plants for the Kitchen

Houseplants are a simple way to transform your area, adding a touch of color and life to your home. Indoor plants also, besides their aesthetic appeal, offer a multitude of benefits if included in home decoration. They’re even good, as they reduce stress and improve air quality and can give any room a new sense of life. Indoor plants are known to have positive effects on both physical and mental wellbeing. They can clean the air, soften and infuse our home decor with nature, and also reduce the stress we feel mentally. In short, plants are pretty, as well as they help you to de-stress and feel happy at home and they can even help to reduce or eliminate smells in your home.

1. Jasmine

Jasmine flower is one of the most common plants that can be placed indoors for a sweet smell. Other options include citrus plants, geranium, Firangi Paani and more. Jasmine-This delicate flower offers a sweet smell that lingers in the air. Jasmine flowers can fill a room with a heady scent that lingers. People have been giving Jasmine flowers different symbolic and spiritual meanings, such as motherhood, purity, devotion or love, so it will add a pleasant touch to your home in any case. This plant usually flourishes in the summer and rainy seasons. There are even some varieties that will flower virtually all year round if they are kept inside. After enjoying the delightful aroma you can harvest the flowers and make jasmine tea!

2.  Orchids

These exotic looking beauties make a great addition to any kitchen. They come in a variety of different colors and scents, so there’s something for everyone. Orchids come in a wide variety of colors, from golden yellow to pure white. They look stunning and smell amazing. Just once a week, fill your kitchen sink with a few inches of cold water and set your orchids in to have a drink for about 30 minutes. Voila!

3. Citrus plants

Wide variety of options to choose from in this category between orange, lemon, grapefruit, or a variety of other citrus flavors. You already know how they will smell which makes it easier to choose your favorite aroma for your kitchen. These plants prefer well-lit spots and need a temperature of between 60-65°F. They also need to be watered regularly to keep the soil moist but not drenched. With this, they will produce beautiful flowers that smell amazing.

Bottom Line

There are many different aromas available and you need to choose the one that appeals to you. It is also important to consider the environment you will be keeping it in. Some plants prefer direct sunlight; others prefer shade and indirect sunlight. Knowing what space you have available will make it easier to choose a sweet-smelling plant that will make you smile every time you see it.

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